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NKS NewsFlash 74

October 3, 2016




NKS invites proposals for activities to be supported (up to 50% of total cost) in 2017 under the NKS-R and NKS-B programmes from an expected budget of 3.25 million DKK for each programme. No specific priorities have been identified with this call, but proposals must address at least one of the research areas as described in the respective NKS-R and NKS-B frameworks. Information regarding the NKS-R and NKS-B framework as well as instructions for applicants and application forms can be found via the links below.


NKS-R Programme


NKS-B Programme


Please note that the deadline for submitting proposals is the 14th of October 2016 (for both NKS-R and NKS-B)



Announcement of a relevant symposium


NST2016: Nuclear Science and Technology Symposium

Symposium on nuclear energy for scientific talks and industry presentations organized by Finnish Nuclear Society


2-3 November 2016, Helsinki, Finland


The objective of the two-day event is to bring together professionals in the nuclear energy field and to promote the dialogue among ourselves as well as the communication to society at large. Our symposium gathers together research, industry and authority representatives from Finland and abroad. In connection with the symposium, is organized the Finnish Nuclear Society 50-year anniversary dinner and lectures for the general public.


The keynote speakers of the event are: Riku Huttunen (Director General, MEAE), Toni Hemminki (CEO, Fennovoima Oy), Tiina Tuomela (Executive Vice President, Fortum Oyj), Jarmo Tanhua (CEO, TVO Oyj), Juhani Hyvärinen (Professor, LUT), Eugene Schwageraus (Senior Lecturer, Cambridge University) and Filip Tuomisto (Professor, Aalto University). The tentative draft programme is available here.

More information about the symposium is available at Normal rate registration fee is available until October 15th.


Programme link:



New Publications


  The following NKS-R reports are available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.



Jun 2016

Markku Puustinen, Jani Laine, Antti Räsänen: Additional Sparger Tests in PPOOLEX with Reduced Number of Injection Holes


View document


Jun 2016

Lauri Pyy: Single Spray Nozzle Tests


View document


Jun 2016

Timo Pättikangas, Risto Huhtanen: CFD simulations of preliminary single spray experiments


View document


Jun 2016

Timo Pättikangas: Pre-calculation of a PPOOLEX spray experiment


View document


Jun 2016

Ignacio Gallego-Marcos, Walter Villanueva, Pavel Kudinov: Thermal Stratification and Mixing in a Large Pool Induced by Operation of Spargers, Nozzles, and Blowdown Pipes


View document


Jun 2016

Pavel Kudinov, Alexander Konovalenko, Dmitry Grishchenko, Sergey Yakush, Simone Basso, Nazar Lubchenko, Aram Karbojian: Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Debris Bed Formation, Spreading, Coolability, and Steam Explosion in Nordic BWRs


View document


Jul 2016

Ivan Kajan, Teemu Kärkelä, Ari Auvinen, Christian Ekberg: ATR-2 Part A: Ruthenium chemistry and transport in a RCS due to air radiolysis products


View document


Jul 2016

Teemu Kärkelä, Ivan Kajan, Unto Tapper, Ari Auvinen, Christian Ekberg: ATR-2 Part B: Ruthenium transport in a RCS with airborne CsI


View document



The following NKS-B reports are available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.





Jun 2016

Jixin Qiao, Susanna Salminen-Paatero, Stina Holmgren, Marie Bourgeaux-Goget, Per Roos, Petra Lagerkvist, Elisabeth Strålberg: An Inter-comparison Exercise on Evaluating the Application of Novel Techniques in Radiochemical Analysis


View document



Aug 2016

Hevrøy T, Bradshaw C: Mid-term report for Nordic freshwater ecosystem microcosms pilot study


View document




NKS Young Scientist Travel Assistance


Updated information that NKS offers travel assistance for young scientists wishing to attend NKS-R and NKS-B events as well as related non-NKS events even outside the Nordic countries - under certain conditions. More information on the conditions and how to apply for travel assistance can be seen on the NKS web site here ( for NKS-R related events, and here ( for NKS-B related events.

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