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The NKS-B programme provides opportunities for financial support of activities under the following three areas:

  • Radiological and nuclear emergency preparedness
  • Measurement strategy, technology and quality assurance
  • Radioecology and environmental assessments

New NKS-B activities can be sought under annual call for proposals, with funding available for 1 year at a time. The amount of funding sought from NKS is expected to be matched by a similar amount of ‘in-kind’ contribution from the participating organisations. Proposals approved by the NKS Board will typically run from January to December. Proposals for NKS-B activities should include participation from at least three Nordic countries.  Note:the typical level of funding of workshops and seminars is of the order of 200 – 250 000 DKK.


NKS-B activities can be knowledge seeking and/or competence building and can take the form of research activities, test exercises or information collation/review exercises. Alternatively NKS-B activities can aim to harmonise approaches to common problems or spread and distribute knowledge and results through seminars, workshops and educational/training courses. Whatever the form of the planned activity, a final report will be required at the end of the year’s work which will then be published on the NKS website.


More details on the NKS-B programme can be found in the NKS-B framework document


For further information, please contact the NKS-B Programme Manager:

Kasper G Andersson, Technical University of Denmark, Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark

Contact NKS   NKS Sekretariatet
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  Telephone +45 46 77 40 41

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Website last modified: 20 January 2025