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NKS NewsFlash 55

April 28, 2014


Upcoming Seminars


NKS-R Nordic-Gen4 Seminar

Nordic-Gen4 Seminar on Generation IV nuclear energy systems

4-5 September 2014, Lappeenranta, Finland


The seminar will take place at Lappeenranta University of Technology. Previous seminars within the Nordic network for Generation IV nuclear fission technology have been held in 2011 at Halden and in 2012 at Risø. The seminar gathers researchers, postgraduate students as well as people working in the nuclear industry and at the Nordic regulators. The seminar covers a wide range of Generation IV technologies with presentations on reactor concepts and research efforts, as well as research results.


Those willing to give a presentation in the seminar should send an abstract of about 200 words by 30.7.2104. The seminar program also includes a visit to the thermal hydraulic test facilities at LUT and an evening program with dinner on September 4. Seminar announcement can be found at: Announcement_Lappeenranta_Gen4


The registration deadline is August 15. For more information, registration and submission, please contact Joonas Telkka ( To register, please provide your contact information with full name, e-mail address and organization. Please mention if you have some dietary requirements.


To cover the costs, there will be a registration fee of 250 € (for students 100 €) for the seminar. The fee includes lunch and coffee on both days, the dinner on September 4, and the seminar materials. Instructions regarding the registration fee will be given later. More information will soon be available at the web page:



Reliability analysis of digital systems in PSA context

Autumn 2014

A Nordic workshop for the end users of the results from the DIGREL activity will be held in the autumn of 2014. The activity develops practical guidelines for analysis and modelling of digital systems in probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) for nuclear power plants. More details on the seminar will be available after the project meeting in May. For more information, please contact the activity leader: Jan-Erik Holmberg (




Procedure competence rating

Preliminary in September 2014, Halden, Norway

The preliminary plan is to organize a seminar in HAlden Man Machine Laboratory (HAMMLAB) at IFE Halden in September, exact dates and agenda are to be decided. The idea is to illustrate situations of emergency operating procedure use in our Video Audio Data Analyzing Tool and discuss procedure competence rating together with instructors, process experts and researchers. We will also have a look at eye-tracking possibilities for studying procedure use and lessons learned from use of eye-tracking in HAMMLAB. For more information, please contact the activity leader: Maren Eitrheim (


Seminar on Unmanned Radiometry Systems

2-3 October 2014, Linköping, Sweden


Linköping University, STUK, NRPA and NKS invites you to participate in the Seminar on Unmanned Radiometric Systems – SemUnaRS

Objective: The objective of this seminar is to present and discuss the progress of the Nordic use of unmanned platforms for radiation detection. This start-up seminar is an effort to build an inventory of the Nordic capacity of radiation surveillance equipment using unmanned vehicles and an initiative to build informal Nordic networks within the topic in question.

Envisaged topics for presentations and discussions are: Unmanned platforms, Detectors, Air sampling using unmanned systems, Envisaged applications/scenarios for unmanned radiometry, Methods and strategies, Calibration/validation, Demonstrations, Joint exercises and Future Nordic collaboration.

Background:The use of unmanned systems in radiation detection is an area in which no joint Nordic activities have been established. The technology of unmanned systems has now developed to the point of readiness which enables their exploitation in different safety- and security-related applications.

Please register to the seminar and submit abstracts via email to (phone +46 (0)10 103 1775) by September 8th. The seminar is limited to 45 participants. 

The conference will take place at Stiftsgården Vårdnäs (, close to Linköping, Sweden.

Accommodation is arranged at the conference site for ca. 100 euros/night, single room. Participation in the seminar is free of charge; coffee, lunch and dinner are included. More detailed travel information can be provided upon request by contacting Magnus Gårdestig.

NKS-B Young Scientist Travel Assistance applies.

Abstracts and presentations together with conclusions and future proposals will be compiled to a NKS report.


Workshop on Gamma Spectrometry

7-8 October 2014, Helsinki, Finland


The NKS-supported GammaUser 2014 workshop is the sixth meeting of the successful GammaSem series of workshops and seminars on gamma spectrometry.


Attendees will be invited and encouraged to participate in pre-workshop inter-comparison exercises (both with real spectra and physical samples), for which results will be presented and evaluated at the seminar.

The program is under construction. It is aimed to offer presentations from a diverse set of users of gamma spectrometry and we strongly encourage participants to give a short presentation on the specific challenges their use of gamma spectrometry entails. In addition, we will offer lectures from highly qualified invited speakers:


Tim Vidmar, SCK•CEN

Marie-Christine Lépy, Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel


We especially encourage students and young scientists in fields relevant to gamma spectrometry to attend (note that the NKS can offer travel assistance). If we see interest from the community, we plan to start the seminar off with a half-day introduction class on gamma spectrometry for beginners (October 6th). We can only plan this course if we know in advance how many students intend to participate. If you are interested in such a course, please write us at


Further information and a registration form will be distributed in a second announcement and posted the GammaWiki web page (

That page will continuously be updated with the latest information.

Feel free to post this wherever relevant. You can contact the organizers with inquiries or suggestions by sending an email to


We hope to see you all in Helsinki!


The organising committee,

Elisabeth Strålberg (IFE)

Henrik Ramebäck (FOI)

Óskar Halldórsson (IRSA)

Seppo Klemola (STUK)

Sven Poul Nielsen (DTU)

Trygve Bjerk (IFE)



Seminar on Assessment of Accidental Uptake of Radioiodine in Emergency Situations

Autumn 2014


A Nordic seminar will be held to analyse and discuss the results of the NKS-THYROID activity, which produced a Nordic regional inventory of measurement capabilities for determination of (mock) I-131 in thyroids. Many organisations calibrated their instruments with known and fully traceable activity of I-131 in neck phantoms of three different sizes, according to age. The seminar will also discuss data from questionnaires and feature invited speakers. More details will be available soon. For further information, please contact the activity leaders, Asser Poulsen ( and Henrik Roed (

New Publications


The following NKS-R reports are available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.



Mar 2014

Stefan Authén, Jan-Erik Holmberg, Linda Lanner, Tero Tyrväinen: Guidelines forreliability analysis of digital systems in PSA context — Phase 4 Status Report



View document


Mar 2014

Andrew Wallin Caldwell, Anders Olsson, Malin Nordqvist, Gunnar Johanson, Jan-Erik Holmberg, Carl Sunde, Ilkka Karanta: Addressing off-site consequence criteria using Level 3 PSA — Phase 1 Status Report


View document


Mar 2014

Ola Bäckström, Jan-Erik Holmberg, Mariana Jockenhövel-Barttfeld, Markus Porthin, Andre Taurines: Software reliability analysis for PSA


View document


Mar 2014

Kent Bladh, Jörgen Frohm, Tobias Iseland, Anders Karlsson, Günter Becker, Lasse Tunturivuori, Markus Porthin, Anders Olsson, Jörg Böhm, Gunnar Johanson, Sandra Jonsson: Evaluation of Existing Applications and Guidance on Methods for HRA – EXAM-HRA - Phase 3a Summary Report


View document



The following NKS-B report is available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.



April 2014

Philip Holm, Kari Peräjärvi, Harri Toivonen, Jonas Nilsson, Sigurður Emil Pálsson, Óskar Halldórsson Holm, Torbjörn Nilssen, Johannes Nilssen, Antonin Vacheret, Simon Brown, Geraint Dermody, Giovanna Davatz, David Murer, Petteri Mehtälä, Mikko Ranta: Novel neutron detection methods for nuclear security


View document


NKS Young Scientist Travel Assistance


A reminder that NKS offers travel assistance for young scientists wishing to attend NKS-R and NKS-B events as well as related non-NKS events that are held within the Nordic countries. More information on how to apply for travel assistance can be seen on the NKS web site here ( for NKS-R related events, and here ( for NKS-B related events.

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