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NKS NewsFlash 76

March 29, 2017


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Upcoming seminars


NKS-B ICP User Seminar 

25-27 September 2017, DTU Risø Campus, Roskilde, Denmark 

Seminar Venue:

The seminar will take place at DTU Risø Campus - located on the peninsula Risø in Roskilde Fjord 7 km North of the historic town of Roskilde and 40 km West of Copenhagen



The seminar consists of two parts:

25th and 26th September: Invited lectures and presentations from participants at H.H. Koch, building 110, Risø. Prof. Frank Vanhaecke (Ghent University, Belgium) will give the opening lecture and several highly reputed experts will give invited talks.

27th September: Lab practice in room S15-17, building 204, Risø.


Seminar Objectives:

The seminar aims to strengthen the education of MSc/PhD students and young scientists and to increase competence of staff involved to explore the application of ICP techniques for different purposes in nuclear and radiochemistry fields.

1) To provide the participants with an overview of state-of-the-art fundamental aspects and instrumental developments of ICP techniques, and the applications of these techniques in interdisciplinary contexts.

2) To provide an opportunity to the participants getting hands-on experience of ICP instrument operation, maintenance, data acquisition and software instruction by participating in practical training in the laboratory.

3) To provide a forum for knowledge and experience exchange in various aspects related to ICP techniques and stimulate international collaborations.


Seminar Scope 

Fundamental aspects and instrumental developments:

  • ICP fundamentals and mechanisms
  • sample preparation and matrix effect
  • sample introduction and transport phenomena
  • removal of interferences
  • software and data analysis 

Applications of ICP techniques in the analysis of:

  • natural and anthropogenic radionuclides
  • isotopic ratio of radioactive and stable elements
  • environmental studies
  • forensic analysis
  • geological dating
  • biological / clinical / pharmaceutical materials


Seminar Organizers:

Technical University of Denmark (Chair)

Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden

ALS Scandinavia AB, Sweden

University of Helsinki, Finland

Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, Sweden

Norwegian University of Life Sciences



Please fill out the registration form for ICP User 2017 on the activity website (, and send to Helle Tofte Holm ( by e-mail. Registration deadline 15th August 2017.  The registration is free. Lunch and light refreshment will be provided. Participants are expected to cover their own travel and subsistence costs.


Contact Person:

Jixin Qiao (, +45 21798724. 



NKS-B GammaSpec 2017

Seminar for users of gamma spectrometry 

19-20 September 2017, DTU Risø Campus, Roskilde, Denmark


The activity is relevant to gamma spectrometry practitioners in the Nordic countries covering intercomparison exercises as well as a seminar. The scope of the seminar will be broad allowing a range of topics in gamma spectrometry to be addressed from basic to advanced aspects in order to attract users with different backgrounds and needs in the field. Experts will be invited to give talks on selected topics and challenges in gamma spectrometry.  The intercomparison exercises include laboratory measurements of physical samples as well as analyses of exercise spectra with associated information.


The GammaWiki web site developed during previous NKS activities on gamma spectrometry will be used as a platform for information and planning on the intercomparison exercises and seminar.  (


The Organizers:

  • Anna Banel (IFE)
  • Trygve Bjerk (IFE)
  • Henrik Ramebäck (FOI)
  • Kjartan Guðnason (IRSA)
  • Roy Pöllänen (STUK)
  • Sven Nielsen (DTU)


New Publications


  The following NKS-R reports are available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.



Jan 2017

Kaupo Viitanen, Nadezhda Gotcheva, Carl Rollenhagen: Safety Culture Assurance and Improvement Methods in Complex Projects – Intermediate Report from the NKS-R SC_AIM


View document


Mar 2017

Markku Puustinen, Lauri Pyy, Jani Laine, Antti Räsänen: Sparger Tests in PPOOLEX on the Behaviour of Thermocline


View document


Mar 2017

Markku Puustinen, Jani Laine, Antti Räsänen, Eetu Kotro: Mixing Tests with an RHR Nozzle in PPOOLEX


View document


Mar 2017

Markku Puustinen, Antti Räsänen, Eetu Kotro: Preliminary Spray Tests in PPOOLEX


View document


Mar 2017

Pål Efsing, Magnus Boåsen, Ulla Ehrnstén, Sebastian Lindqvist, Kim Wallin, Mattias Thuvander, Kristina Lindgren: Barsebäck as Research and Development Platform, Extraction and Analysis of Reactor Pressure Vessel Material 


View document


Mar 2017

Anders Olsson, Andrew Wallin Caldwell, Gunnar Johanson, Jan-Erik Holmberg, Ilkka Karanta, Karin Fritioff: Addressing off-site consequence criteria using Level 3 PSA


View document


The following NKS-B reports are available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.





Jan 2017

Jens Havskov Sørensen, Bjarne Amstrup, Thomas Bøvith, Henrik Feddersen, Rashpal Gill, Martin Sørensen, Flemming Vejen, Poul Astrup, Neil Davis, Bent Lauritzen, Steen Cordt Hoe, Jan Erik Dyve, Patric Lindahl: MEteorological uncertainty of ShOrt-range dispersion (MESO)


View document




NKS Young Scientist Travel Assistance


Updated information that NKS offers travel assistance for young scientists wishing to attend NKS-R and NKS-B events as well as related non-NKS events even outside the Nordic countries - under certain conditions. More information on the conditions and how to apply for travel assistance can be seen on the NKS web site here ( for NKS-R related events, and here ( for NKS-B related events.

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