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Organisation Articles Historical overview Administration Minutes & accounts Contact NKS  


More information on administrative routines can be obtained by contacting the secretariat. 


Handbook for NKS applicants and activity leaders


NKS Administrative Handbook


Bibliographic Datasheet 

To be submitted along with all NKS reports.


Graphic profile

Must be used in connection with seminar documentation, posters, reports, information folders and all other NKS material.


Currency 2024

Conversion table between Nordic currencies and Euros for the current year.



 nks_final_report_template__guidelines_for_authors.doc (77.5 KB)

Template for NKS report



Contact NKS   NKS Sekretariatet
Boks 49
DK-4000 Roskilde
  Telephone +45 46 77 40 41

Address for visitors
Directions and map

Privacy policy

Cookie policy


Website last modified: 26 July 2024