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NKS BOK-1 Data files from the atmospheric dispersion experiment at Mol with 41Ar

Please note:

Neither the participants of the relevant NKS BOK-1 activity, the organizers of the Mol experiment, or the NKS are responsible for any damage, data loss or other inconvenience whatsoever caused by the use in any way, intended or otherwise, of the materials uploaded here. These materials were provided “as is”. The participants of the relevant NKS BOK-1 activity, the organizers of the Mol experiment, and NKS accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for damages incurred in any way through use of the materials. 


The data files relate to the report NKS-55 

For proper reference to the data set and in case of questions, please contact Bent Lauritzen, DTU at


The data is available here: zip (4 MB)

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