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YoungRad seminar

Seminar for students and young scientists
14-15 December 2006, Helsinki, Finland


The YoungRad seminar is an initiative of young Nordic students and scientists. The aim of the seminar is to create a dynamic contact forum for students and young scientists working in the fields of radiophysics, radiochemistry, radioecology, radiation protection and other related fields. Funding for arranging the seminar has been granted by the NKS.

Topics of the seminar will be the participants’ recent work and studies within the relevant fields. The subject of the presentation can be your own work or the research activities at your institute –anything that you will consider an important issue in your field of activity. The programme will include both oral and poster presentations. The language of oral presentations can be any Scandinavian language as well as English. All written material should be in English.

Contact person:

Elisabeth Strålberg
More information: see here


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