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NKS-R EXAM HRA Project seminar

Evaluation of Existing Applications and Guidance on Methods for Human Reliability analysis


31 October, 2013, Stockholm, Radisson Blu Sky City Hotel, Arlanda airport


October 31, 2013, a project seminar was arranged to report the on-going work within EXAM-HRA phase 3a (2013). The phase 3a seminar focused on project results and the decision if the work shall continue with phase 3b (2014).


EXAM-HRA is a Nordic, German and Swiss project which assesses human reliability analysis (HRA) applications in existing probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) studies. The overall project objective is to provide guidance for a state of the art HRA for purposes of PSA, to ensure that plant specific properties are properly taken into consideration in the analysis. This shall also provide means to improve the experience feedback on plant features based on HRA and PSA results. The project is performed in several consecutive phases.


The on-going 3rd phase shall maintain and extend the assessments of existing HRA application and continue the analysis to provide interpretation of important plant features and identify good operational practices. Phase 3 shall provide an overview of the assessments done by developing guidance on scope of HRA applications and choice of methods for HRA applications.


For further information please contact Gunnar Johansson.

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