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NKS-R Level 3 PSA

14th February, 2017 - Lloyd's Register, Landsvägen 50 A, Sundbyberg, Sweden



The objective of this seminar was to present and discuss the NPSAG/NKS Level 3 Probabilistic Safety Assessment Project and to present the final conclusions in the Guidance Document that has been completed since last years project seminar (January 28th, 2016).



Interest in Level 3 off-site consequence probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) has increased in the Nordic region, which is consistent with renewed interest in Level 3 PSA throughout the world. During a period of more than three years a pre-study has been funded by the Nordic PSA Group (NPSAG), the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research centre (NKS) and the Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Safety (SAFIR). Main objective for the pre-study has been to develop a Guidance Document for conducting a Level 3 PSA.


During a seminar in January 2016 a workshop was held which aimed at formulating conclusions for the Guidance Document. Since then the Guidance Document has been under review from the project stakeholders and the final version is now put together.


During year 2016 the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) together with NKS has continued their funding in the area of Level 3 PSA, this time more focusing on monitoring international work and status in the area of Level 3 PSA and to provide support to SSM in their work with new Swedish regulations.


Seminar topics

• Purpose and benefits, how are the results used

• Connection between deterministically defined event classification and doses – Level 3 PSA

• Who are the main stakeholders (performers, clients/purchasers, users)?

• Resources/competences needed

• Maturity level


Presentation topics

• International status and progress during 2016 (IAEA, ANS/ASME, South Africa, UK, etc.)

• Final conclusions in PSA Level 3 Guidance Document

• SSM view on requirements for Level 3 PSA and summary of SSM investigation/survey

• Needs for future research


For more information, please contact Anders Olsson (

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