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15th December 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark



Significant hazard to a site in Fennoscandia is generated from mid-magnitude seismic event with epicenter localized in the proximity. Earthquake source modeling can be used to understand vibrations in areas close to the earthquake epicenters; but source modeling in stable continental region has limited research background. Different modeling techniques were used for modeling fault stresses/rupture in glaciation scenarios (Lund & Schmidt, 2011) and earthquakes Fälth et al (2014). Uncertainty in such complex models is significant. Measured data from earthquakes and/or explosions can be used to calibrate models.

Modelling techniques were discussed and exploratory modelling work was presented.



For more information, please contact Peter Voss (


Workshop program

10.00 – 11.00

  • Seismic studies with safety focus to NPP's (Ludovic Fülöp)

  • Swam events in Finland (Peter H. Voss)

  • Parameters and exploratory models for the ML2.6 Kouvola earthquake (Vilho Jussila, Ludovic Fülöp, Björn Lund, Billy Fälth)

Coffee break

11.20 – 12.20

  • Implementation and tests of spontaneous rupture models (Billy Fälth)

  • Preliminary calibration results from the Baltic Sea 1.7 ton blast on 18 November 2015 (Björn Lund)

12.30-13.00 Discussion and conclusions

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