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NKS-B status seminar 2007

August 28-29, 2007 Statens strålevern, Oslo, Norway

The aim of this seminar is to provide a forum where not only results of ongoing and concluded work within NKS-B can be presented, but also suggestions for work that could be undertaken within the NKS-B programme. The programme manager of NKS-R will give a presentation of the programme and ongoing work there.
The timing of the seminar was chosen to be good with respect to preparing proposals for work to be supported in 2008 (see above).  The seminar is intended to be a forum where new proposals can be discussed and project groups formed.
It may be possible to refund travel expenses for participants giving presentations at the seminar; this needs however to be negotiated with the
Programme Manager beforehand.
Please indicate as soon as possible if you would be interested in participating in the seminar
Contact person: Sigurður Emil Pálsson, programme manager, NKS-B

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