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NKS-B Radioanalysis

Workshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry


2-6 September, 2013, Roskilde, Denmark


This was the 2nd Nordic Workshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry following the 1st workshop held Nov. 2009 in Roskilde, Denmark. The workshop was organised by the Technical University of Denmark, in collaboration with University of Helsinki; Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Royal Institute of Technology, and Swedish Radiation Safety Authority; supported by Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS).


The objectives of this workshop were:


1) To provide the participants with an overview of radiochemical analytical methods for determination of various radionuclides (mainly beta and alpha emitting) relevant to environmental radioactivity and waste management

2) To provide an opportunity to the participants getting knowledge and practical (hands-on) experience of state-of-the-art measurement techniques used for the determination of different radionuclides by participating in practical training in the laboratory (experimental demonstration and analysis of real samples)

3) To provide a forum for knowledge exchange of analysis of various radionuclides and discussion of present radiochemical procedures for individual radionuclides.


The workshop aimed to strengthen the education of MSc/PhD students and young scientists in radiochemical analysis for environmental radioactivity, radiation monitoring, waste management, decommissioning of nuclear facilities, and other relevant areas, and to increase competence of staff involved in radiochemical separation and determination of radionuclides.


The workshop included two parts:


1) Invited lectures and presentations of the participants (5-6th Sept. for 2 days);

2) Laboratory training/practice (2-4th Sept. for 3 days).


A total of 8 invited lectures were given by experienced senior researchers from all over the world in the field of radiochemistry and radioecology. A total of 27 oral presentations and a handful of poster presentations were given.  The participants could participate in all lectures/presentations, and 2 of 3 laboratory practices.


The three laboratory practices were:


(1) Radiochemical separation of Pu and ICP-MS measurement of Pu isotopes;

(2) Radiochemical separation of 210Po and 226Ra and their alpha spectrometry measurement.

(3) Radiochemical separation of 55Fe, 63Ni, 90Sr and their LSC measurement.  


 The workshop programme and abstracts have been published as a NKS report (with ISBN number).



Prof. Xiaolin Hou (

Dr. Sven P. Nielsen (

Prof. Jukka Lehto (

Prof. Mats Jonsson (

Dr. Lindis Skipperud (

Dr. Mats Eriksson (


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