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Seminar on neutron detection in the Nordic countries at present and in the future

13-16 May, Geislavarnir Ríkisins, Reykjavík, Iceland


Participants gave an overview on their operational neutron detection capabilities. Preliminary results of tests performed with novel technologies were also presented. An upcoming laboratory intercomparison of detection methods is planned during the seminar. The two-day seminar was preceded by two days of measurements in Iceland. Measurements in the Icelandic low background radiation environment were performed and the so called ship effect was studied. The latter was performed in co-operation with the Icelandic Coast Guard.


The participating organizations were:

Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority, GR

University of Lund, Sweden

Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, NRPA

Icelandic Coast Guard (participation on one measurement day)


Contact persons:

Sigurður Emil Pálsson ( and Kari Peräjärvi ( )


Information on the Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority GR can be found here:

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