NKS-B EmSem/NordEx-12A seminar following up the experience of the Swedish REFOX exercise (2012) and other recent Nordic exercises - Lessons learned and the way forward
27-29 August 2013, Hotel Park Inn, Solna Centrum, Stockholm, Sweden
Nordic authorities and research institutes within the field of radiation safety, radiation research and emergency preparedness were invited to participate in EmSem. The
seminar discussed and followed up experiences from the Radiological Emergency Field Operative Exercise, REFOX 2012, and other recent exercises in the Nordic
countries (NKS activity NordEx-12). The objectives of EmSem were:
1. Recapitulate and describe major parts of the REFOX 2012 exercise and encouraging participants to present their experiences, equipment, methods,
measurement results and conclusions. The intention is to produce a comprehensive report from the exercise.
2. Present and discuss experiences from the NKS-B activity NordEx-12.
3. Collect ideas and discuss the way forward, thereby identifying needs and ways for future research and development of methods, experimental
procedures, exercises, education and training, some of which might lead to future Nordic cooperation and perhaps NKS activities. A number of concrete suggestions for future
activities were identified and will hopefully lead to new NKS-B activities in the future.
The NKS EmSem project is lead by Sigurður Emil Pálsson, Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority, Iceland and organized in cooperation with the Swedish Radiation
Safety Authority (SSM) and the Department of Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University.
Agenda for EmSem
Tuesday, August, 27
10:00 Arrival and registration.
11:00 Seminar introduction.
11:30 Invited lecture by Dr. M.J.F. Healy, A model for CBRNdefence.
12:30 Lunch.
13:30 Recap of the REFOX 2012 Exercise. Participants present their approaches, experiences, equipment, methods,
measurement results and conclusions from the exercise.
18:30 Dinner.
Wednesday, August, 28
08:30 Impressions of REFOX (Dr. M.J.F. Healy).
09:00 Continuing recap of the REFOX 2012 Exercise.
12:30 Lunch.
13:30 Results and discussions around NordEx-12.
14:30 The way forward. Collection of ideas. Suggestions and presentations from participants concerning needs and ways for future
research and development of methods, experimental procedures, exercises, education and training.
Work groups for development of suggestions will be formed on the basis of expressed interest on the seminar registration form.
Group discussions.
18:30 Dinner.
Thursday, August, 29
09:00 Presentation of work-group suggestions, continuing group discussions, if needed. Suggestions for future work.
Plenary discussion.
12:30 Seminar ends.