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Seminars for users of gamma spectrometry


13-14 September 2016, Rømskog Spa & Resort (ca. 40 km from Oslo, Norway)


The 2016 NKS GammaSpec seminar was the 7th instance of the successful NKS GammaSem series. This seminar was held at Rømskog Spa & Resort (


Presentations came from a diverse set of users of gamma spectrometry covering from basic to advanced aspects and encourage participants to give presentations on their applications of gamma spectrometry.  The seminar was useful for sharing experiences among users of gamma spectrometry. Speakers were be invited from the forefront of gamma spectrometry. 


Attendees were also encouraged to participate in intercomparison exercises that included exercises based on evaluating gamma spectra as well as laboratory analyses of physical samples distributed.  Results of the exercises were presented, discussed and evaluated at the seminar. 


Further information - also on possible related future events - is posted in May on the GammaWiki web page,  The site will give updated information on the intercomparison exercises and the seminar.


Feel free to contact the organizers with inquiries or suggestions by sending an email to


The Organizers

Elisabeth Strålberg (IFE)
Trygve Bjerk (IFE)
Henrik Ramebäck (FOI)
Róbert Karl Lárusson (IRSA)
Roy Pöllänen (STUK)
Sven Nielsen (DTU)

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