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Seminar/workshop for Users of Gamma-ray Spectrometry


25-26 September 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland


As announced in NKS NewsLetter 29 the GAMMARAY seminar/workshop was held during 25-26 September 2018.  Results of an intercomparison exercise were discussed, covering individual laboratory sample analyses as well as analyses of distributed gamma spectra.  


The seminar/workshop provided a forum for information sharing and cooperation between Nordic users of gamma-ray spectrometry. Comprehensive presentations on various aspects of the method open up possibilities to develop expertise, competence and networking, and facilitates contacts between different end-users of the method. The scope of the seminar/workshop was broad allowing a range of topics in gamma-ray spectrometry to be addressed from basic to advanced aspects in order to attract users with different backgrounds in the field.


Detailed information on the seminar/workshop is available at the GammaWiki site (  


Contact person:

Henrik Ramebäck (, +46 90106646.

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