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Stockholm NKS seminar 15-16 January 2019 Poster presentation abstracts


Daniela Ene, Rodolfo Avila: Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in the dose estimates for ESS facility 

doc ene_poster_abstract.doc (68.5 KB)


Ari T. K. Ikonen, Ville Kangasniemi: A model for radionuclide distribution in the main basins of the Baltic Sea – Conceptual framework

docx ikonen_poster_abstract.docx (14.8 KB)


Vilho Jussila, Billy Fälth, Peter Voss, Björn Lund, Ludovic Fülöp: Synthetic ground motions to support the near-field seismic hazard prediction in Fennoscandia

doc jussila_poster_abstract.doc (31 KB)

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