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Activity name BIOAPP: Application of biokinetic parameters for some representative accident cases based on state of the art modelling
NKS-B Research Area Radioecology
Project summary

The present proposal is logical continuation of the NKS project BIORAD (Evaluation of the bioaccumulation processes for a wide set of radionuclides under accidental releases by biota). This project will be finished in 2021, but even now the results of the project can stimulate the work under the proposed BIOAPP activity.
In course of the BIORAD project kinetic parameters for actual radionuclides and biota have been selected from articles and reports, allometric expressions and mathematical experiments.
In spite of BIORAD project has not final results at the present stage, it has succeeded in achieving a relative good comparison of the developed kinetic methodology with published data for quasi-equilibrium conditions. This is means that such kinetic approach can be used for any release scenarios of radionuclides.
The objective of the proposed study (BIOAPP) is implementation of the bioaccumulation kinetic modelling for some representative accident cases with analyzing of the consequences for human and biota.
The proposed study includes following parts: (a) selection of the accident release scenarios for actual marine regions, which includes coastal waters for the Nordic countries, (b) evaluation of the bioaccumulation kinetic parameters for new set of radionuclides, if necessary, (c) potential improvement of the actual models: DSA ARCTICMAR model and VTT marine model . The point (c) can be especially important for water-sediment interactions because of bottom organism (deposit-feeding invertebrate, bottom fish etc.), which are under consideration in the proposal, (d) the evaluation of consequences for the selected accident scenarios and marine regions based on kinetic modelling of the radionuclide bioaccumulation.
Points (a) and (b) will be our milestone. The study will be concluded with our final report, which will summaries our results and ensuing discussion, and act as our deliverable.
The proposal has clear synergy with NKS project BIORAD, IAEA program MEREIA (Methods for radiological and environmental impact assessment) and EC project RadoNorm (Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific evidence and social considerations).

Lead Organization Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA), Norway
Contact Person Mikhail Iosjpe
phone number: +47 99038975


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