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Activity name

GAMMASKILL: Training and seminar for users of gamma-ray spectrometry


NKS-B Research Area Measurement strategy, technology and quality assurance
Project summary

The proposed activity addresses users of gamma spectrometry in the Nordic countries and involves organizing a training event and seminar on gamma-ray spectrometry. The training will focus on young scientists and concentrates on the fundamentals of the method. The scope of the seminar will be broad allowing a range of topics to be addressed from basic to advanced aspects in order to attract users with different backgrounds in the field. International experts will be invited to give talks on selected topics and challenges in gamma-ray spectrometry.
Participation of students and young scientists in the seminar will be encouraged by using existing Nordic networks and possible support from the NKS Young Scientist Travel Assistance.The GammaWiki web site developed during previous NKS activities on gamma-ray spectrometry will be used as a platform for information sharing on the training and seminar. Feedback from participants were collected in past seminars and will also be collected after the present activity. Interest in previous NKS-B activities on gamma-ray spectrometry has been very high with many participants for what reason the current activity is proposed.

Lead Organization STUK
Contact Person

Roy Pöllänen:

phone number: +358 400 506286


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Website last modified: 17 October 2024