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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-298
Report Title:Assessment of accidental uptake of iodine-131 in emergency situations
Activity Acronym:THYROID
Authors:Asser Nyander Poulsen, Bjorn Lind, Lilián del Risco Norrlid, Mats Isaksson, Óskar Halldórsson Holm, Jussi Huikari,
Abstract:The need for quantifying the uptake of radioiodine (131I) in thyroids in emergency situations has repeatedly been demonstrated. With early stage measurements people who may have inhaled or ingested amounts of 131I can be identified and the need for more extensive measurements and/or subsequent medical assessment can be evaluated. The report presents the outcome from the activity THYROID in which calibrations of thyroid monitoring equipment in the Nordic countries were harmonized. A total of 38 sites in Scandinavia were identified holding equipment usable for screening for thyroid 131I contamination. Different instrument types can be used in an emergency situation as long as they are properly calibrated. The activity enabled to evaluate the regional preparedness regarding thyroid personal monitoring.
Keywords:Thyroid dose, I-131, calibration, emergency preparedness
Publication date:05 Febr 2014
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-374-4
Number of downloads:5077
Download:pdf NKS-298.pdf
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