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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-176
Report Title:Speciation Analysis of Radionuclides in the Environment. NKS-B Speciation project report 2007
Activity Acronym:SPECIATION
Authors:Xiaolin Hou, Ala Aldahan, Göran Possnert, Galina Lujaniene, Juka Lehto, Brit Salbu
Abstract:This report describes the work carried out under the NUK-B project SPECIATION 2007. In 2007, the project partners had two meeting in April and November, organized a NUK seminar on speciation and hot particles. SPECIATION 2007 t mainly focused on two issues on speciation (1) further development of speciation methods for radionuclides, and (2) investigation of speciation of radionuclides in environment. The report summarized the work done in partners labs, which includes: (1) Further development on the speciation of 129I and 127I in water samples; (2) Speciation method for 129I and 127I in air; (3) Dynamic system for fractionation of Pu and Am in soil and sediment; (4) Investigation on Re-absorption of Pu during the fractionation of Pu in soil and sediment; (5) Speciation of 129I in North Sea surface water; (6) Partition of 137Cs and 129I in the Nordic lake sediment, pore-water and lake water; (7) Sequential extraction of Pu in soil, sediment and concrete samples, (8) Pu sorption to Mn and Fe oxides in the geological materials, (10) Investigation of the adsorbed species of lanthanides and actinides on clays surfaces. In addition, two review articles on the speciation of plutonium and iodine in environmental have been planed to be submitted to an international journal for publication. Key
Keywords:Speciation; radionuclides; radioecology; radioanalytical chemistry; 129I; plutonium; fractionation; dynamic system
Publication date:01 Jul 2008
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-242-6
Number of downloads:2302
Download:pdf NKS-176.pdf
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