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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Automation and control room
Report Number:NKS-133
Report Title:MORE. Management of Requirements in NPP Modernisation Projects. Project Report 2005
Activity Acronym:MORE
Authors:Atoosa P-J Thunem, Rune Fredriksen, Harald P-J Thunem, Olli Ventä, Janne Valkonen, Jan-Erik Holmberg
Abstract:The overall objective of the project MORE is to improve the means for managing the large amounts of evolving requirements in Nordic NPP modernisation projects. In accordance to this objective, the activity will facilitate the industrial utilisation of the research results from the project TACO. On the basis of experiences in the Nordic countries, the overall aim of the TACO project has been to identify the best practices and most important criteria for ensuring effective communication in relation to requirements elicitation and analysis, understandability of requirements to all parties, and traceability of requirements. The project resulted in the development of a traceability model for handling requirements from their origins and through their final shapes. Particular emphasis for the MORE project in 2005 was put on utilising a prototype of a tool (TRACE) intended to support an adopted approach to dependable requirements engineering, suitable for modelling and handling large amounts of requirements related to all stages of the systems development process and not only those traditionally including requirements at high-level stages.
Keywords:MORE; tracability of requirements; dependable requirements engineering; TRACE
Publication date:01 Apr 2006
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-195-9
Number of downloads:8385
Download:pdf NKS-133.pdf
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