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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Plant life management and extension
Report Number:NKS-115
Report Title:Traceability and Communication of Requirements in Digital I&C Systems Development. Final Report.
Activity Acronym:TACO
Authors:Terje Sivertsen, Rune Fredriksen, Atoosa P-J Thunem, Jan-Erik Holmberg, Janne Valkonen, Olli Ventä & Jan-Ove Andersson
Abstract:The overall objective of the TACO project has been to improve the knowledge on principles and best practices related to the traceability and communication of requirements in digital I&C systems development. On the basis of experiences in the Nordic countries, the project has aimed at identifying the best practices and most important criteria for ensuring effective communication in relation to requirements elicitation and analysis, understandability of requirements to all parties, and traceability of requirements through the different design phases. It is expected that the project will provide important input to the development of guidelines and establishment of recommended practices related to these activities. The report provides a summary of the project activities and deliverables, discusses possible application areas, and provides a link to its utilization in the project “Management of Requirements in NPP Modernization Projects” (NKS_R_2005_47). In the preparation of the final report, a number of application areas have been identified where the TACO deliverables, first of all the TACO Shell and the TACO Traceability Model, can be utilized. The report aims at facilitating such utilization, by defining the context and main issues, explaining the main aspects of the deliverables, discussing the challenges experienced in the different application domains with respect requirements management, traceability and communication – and how can the TACO results contribute to solving these challenges.
Keywords:Traceability; requirements; TACO; change management; digital I&C; systems development
Publication date:01 Oct 2005
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-176-2
Number of downloads:2274
Download:pdf NKS-115.pdf
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