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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Risk analysis
Report Number:NKS-90
Report Title:CCF Model Comparison.
Activity Acronym:
Authors:Urho Pulkkinen
Abstract:The report describes a simple comparison of two CCF-models, the ECLM, and the Beta-model. The objective of the comparison is to identify differences in the results of the models by applying the models in some simple test data cases. The comparison focuses mainly on theoretical aspects of the above mentioned CCF-models. The properties of the model parameter estimates in the data cases is also discussed. The practical aspects in using and estimating CCF-models in real PSA context (e.g. the data interpretation, properties of computer tools, the model documentation) are not discussed in the report. Similarly, the qualitative CCF-analyses needed in using the models are not discussed in the report.
Keywords:Comparison; CCF-models; ECLM; Beta-model
Publication date:01 Apr 2004
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-148-7
Number of downloads:3619
Download:pdf NKS-90.pdf
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