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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Risk analysis
Report Number:NKS-33
Report Title:NKS/SOS-1 Seminarium, 2000-09-25 - Riskkommunikation i Oskarshamn
Activity Acronym:SOS-1
Abstract:The report describes presentations and discussions at a seminar held in Oskarshamn on September 25, 2000. The title o the seminar was “Risk communication in Oskarshamn”. It dealt with issues of importance for the communication about nuclear say within the OKG power company, within the local safety council, between the two organizations and outwards to the public and media. The local safety council consists of elected representatives in the municipal board. The main components in the seminar were 1) results from focus group discussions and questionnaire responses by Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg, 2) elements in communication by Björn Wahlström, and 3) the journalistic perspective by Katarina Ek. The seminar gave the participants a deeper understanding about local problems in risk communication, generic element in a communication process and the working conditions for journalists.
Publication date:01 Apr 2001
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-084-7
Number of downloads:2075
Download:pdf NKS-33.pdf
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