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NKS announces the joint NKS-R and NKS-B seminar at Finlandshuset in Stockholm, which is scheduled to start at 13:00 on the 8th of January and end in the late afternoon on the 9th of January 2013.


A draft seminar programme is now available, and addresses a wide range of topics that were highlighted by the Fukushima accident.  Presentations made by a suite of international key speakers, and handpicked Nordic experts will be instrumental for discussing issues of importance in relation to both reactor safety and emergency preparedness.  


As previously stated, the objective of the seminar is to give an overview of the Fukushima accident, with emphasis on issues of relevance to the Nordic countries, and with respect to crisis management and lessons learned, both for nuclear safety and emergency preparedness. Further on, ideas and thoughts for future work and follow up from the industry, the authorities and NKS should be the outcome of the seminar, in particular focusing on issues where nuclear safety and emergency preparedness work can go hand in hand. 


To register for this seminar, please go to the main NKS web page www.nks.orgThe deadline for registration is the 1st of December 2012.  There is no registration fee, but the number of seats is limited.


Participants are requested to make their own hotel reservation. The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority has blocked some rooms at the Hotel Birger Jarl and the Best Western Kom Hotel Stockholm (see below for details). Both hotels are within walking distance of the seminar location at Finlandshuset. Reservation at the indicated prices will be open until the 1st of December 2012 (‘first-come, first-served’).  


Best Western Kom Hotel Stockholm

Döbelnsgatan 17

Phone +46 8 412 23 00

Fax +46 8 412 23 10

SSM has booked 30 rooms for two nights; 7th–9th of January 2013 
Rate: 1 150 SEK

Please refer to “Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten, booking reference 487287” when making the reservation in order to get the special rate.


Hotel Birger Jarl

Tulegatan 8

Phone +46 8 674 18 10

Fax +46 8 673 73 66

SSM has booked 10 rooms for two nights; 7th–9th of January 2013, and 20 rooms for one night 8th-9th of January    


Rate:  925 SEK/1009 SEK

Please refer to “Booking reference 184 08 51” when making the reservation in order to get the special rate.


Please also note that The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and The Swedish Society for Radioecology organise a joint seminar on ‘Radioecological Studies after the Fukushima Accident’, in Stockholm, on the 10th of January (right after the NKS Fukushima Seminar).  Further information can be found  here.


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  Telephone +45 46 77 40 41

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