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NKS NewsLetter 19

May 17, 2013


Upcoming Seminars


NKS-R Decommissioning Seminar 2013

A Nordic seminar on decommissioning of nuclear facilities

6-7th November 2013, Halden, Norway

The last NKS seminar on decommissioning was held at Studsvik in 2010. Since then there has been high activity in the field of decommissioning nuclear facilities and an influx of new people to the field. This seminar will provide an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues and exchange experiences from completed and on-going decommissioning projects as well as discuss the future.

The seminar will be organized by Institutt for Energiteknikk (IFE), Dansk Dekommissionering, Fortum, ndcon and Statens strålevern. 

More information will be available on the seminar homepage:  

Contact person is Niels-Kristian Mark,  


NKS-B EmSem/NordEx-12

A seminar following up the experience of the Swedish REFOX exercise (2012) and other recent Nordic exercises - Lessons learned and the way forward

27-29 August 2013, Hotel Park Inn, Solna Centrum, Stockholm, Sweden

A recap of the REFOX exercise will be given and description of selected scenarios.  Participants will be invited to describe their approach (what were they aiming to get out of the exercise), methods, equipment, results and conclusions.  Part of the seminar will concentrate on the way forward, opportunities for Nordic cooperation and possible NKS activities.  Results of the related work within NKS-B NordEx-12 will also be presented.  Further information will be available shortly on the NKS website for the seminar:

Contact person for the NKS-B EmSem/NordEx-12 activities is Sigurður Emil Pálsson,



Workshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry

2-6 September, 2013, Roskilde, Denmark 

Note: Application/Registration deadline:  1st of August

This is the 2nd Nordic Workshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry following the 1st workshop held Nov. 2009 in Roskilde, Denmark. The workshop is organised by the Technical University of Denmark, in collaboration with University of Helsinki; Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Royal Institute of Technology, and Swedish Radiation Safety Authority; supported by Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS).

The objectives of this workshop are:

1) To provide the participants with an overview of radiochemical analytical methods for determination of various radionuclides (mainly beta and alpha emitting) relevant to environmental radioactivity and waste management

2) To provide an opportunity to the participants getting knowledge and practical (hands-on) experience of state-of-the-art measurement techniques used for the determination of different radionuclides by participating in practical training in the laboratory (experimental demonstration and analysis of real samples)

3) To provide a forum for knowledge exchange of analysis of various radionuclides and discussion of present radiochemical procedures for individual radionuclides.

The workshop aims to strengthen the education of MSc/PhD students and young scientists in radiochemical analysis for environmental radioactivity, radiation monitoring, waste management, decommissioning of nuclear facilities, and other relevant areas, and to increase competence of staff involved in radiochemical separation and determination of radionuclides.


The workshop includes two parts:

1) Invited lectures and presentations of the participants (2 days);

2) Laboratory training/practice (3 days).

About 15 invited lectures will be given by experienced senior researchers in the field of radiochemistry and radioecology. The participants can participate in all lectures/presentations, and 2 of 3 laboratory practices.


The three laboratory practices are:

(1) Radiochemical separation of Pu and ICP-MS measurement of Pu isotopes;

(2) Radiochemical separation of 210Po and 226Ra and their alpha spectrometry measurement.

(3) Radiochemical separation of 55Fe, 63Ni, 90Sr and their LSC measurement.  

Each lab practice will take for 1.5 days.


The topics of the lectures include:

General aspects in Radiochemical analysis for radionuclides;

Separation techniques for determination of radionuclides

Techniques for speciation analysis of radionuclides

Methods for radiochemical analysis of various radionuclides including isotopes of Pu, and Ra, 237Np, 210Po, 210Pb, 99Tc, 90Sr, 3H, 14C,  36Cl, 41Ca 55Fe, 63Ni, and 129I.

Sampling and pre-concentration techniques for environmental radioactivity analysis

Radiometric analytical techniques including gamma- and alpha-spectrometry, beta counting with ultra-low level background G-M counter, and liquid scintillation counting.

Mass spectrometry and other techniques for long-lived radionuclides including ICP-MS and AMS.

Automated and rapid analytical technique for radionuclides.

There is no registration fee for participants from the Nordic countries. A limited numbers of participants from other countries are accepted with a registration fee of 700 Euros. No financial support for travel and accommodation is available from the workshop organizers. Young Nordic participants are recommended to apply for travel support directly from NKS. Please visit the NKS web site for further details.

Applications for participation in the workshop should be sent to Xiaolin Hou ( by the 1st August, 2013. Participants are invited to submit an abstract/full paper and present their work in the workshop orally or by poster. Workshop proceedings will be published as a NKS report.


Xiaolin Hou (

Sven P. Nielsen (

Jukka Lehto (

Mats Jonsson (

Lindis Skipperud (

Mats Eriksson (


NKS-B GammaTest 2013

A series of linked workshops on gamma spectrometry

17-19 September, 2013, FOI, Umeå, Sweden

The GammaTest enables the users to address the problems in gamma ray spectrometry they find most demanding, through lectures and practical exercises in addition to sharing their experience with others in a similar position.  This year intercomparisons will be included as well. These intercomparisons (three) will comprise

  • Real sample(s)
  • Spectra for calibration (including background spectrum, spectrum from a radionuclide standard solution, and a sample spectrum to be analysed)
  • Spectrum/spectra for peak identification only

 The sessions during the workshop will include:

  • Invited lecturer
  • Practical exercise(s) on ‘complicated‘ spectra
  • Lessons learned from the intercomparison exercise(s)
  • User experience with implementation of corrections
    (Participants are strongly encouraged to report back their experiencies in the implementation of e.g. correction methods for true coincidence summing and self-absorption correction)

It will be possible to attend all the sessions or just some of them. 

Updated information and links to technical background material will be available on the GammaWiki web site:  

Contact persons are Maiken Karlsson [] and Henrik Ramebäck []. 

Information about the city of Umeå can be found here:



New Publications


The following NKS-R reports are available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.  


April 2013

Luigi Macchi, Elina Pietikäinen, Marja Liinasuo, Paula Savioja, Teemu Reiman, Mikael Wahlström, Ulf Kahlbom, Carl Rollenhagen: Safety culture in design


View document


April 2013

Gotcheva N., Macchi, L., Oedewald, P., Eitrheim, M. H. R., Axelsson, C., Reiman T., Pietikäinen E.: Final report of MoReMO 2011-2012. Modelling Resilience for Maintenance and Outage


View document


May 2013

Markku Puustinen, Jani Laine, Antti Räsänen, Lauri Pyy, Joonas Telkkä: PIV Measurements at the blowdown pipe outlet


View document


May 2013

Jani Laine, Markku Puustinen, Antti Räsänen: PPOOLEX experiments on the dynamics of free water surface in the blowdown pipe


View document


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