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NKS NewsFlash 99

March 12, 2021


Upcoming Seminars



NKS-B GammaRay X

Seminar for users of gamma-ray spectrometry


19-21 October 2021, STUK – Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Helsinki, Finland


The Roman numeral X in the acronym refers to the tenth event in the popular series of gamma-ray seminars. This anniversary seminar is relevant to all gamma spectrometry practitioners in the Nordic countries. Especially students and younger scientists are encouraged to attend the seminar. The scope will be broad allowing a range of topics in gamma-ray spectrometry to be addressed from basic to advanced aspects. High-level international experts are invited to give talks on selected topics and challenges in gamma-ray spectrometry.


Detailed information on the seminar is available at the GammaWiki site ( where you can find a registration form.


Note: Although personal attendance is recommended the organizers of the seminar will arrange remote video connection (MS Teams) if relevant corona restrictions in Finland still exist in October. The link to the registered participants will be sent later. No video connections will be arranged if there are no restrictions. Additional information will be sent in due time.



New Publications



The following NKS-R reports are available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.



Feb 2021

Pål Efsing, Magnus Boåsen, Daniela Klein, Ulla Ehrnstén, Pentti Arffman, Noora Hytönen, Jari Lydman, Sebastian Lindqvist, Mattias Thuvander, Kristina Lindgren, Jenny Roudén: Barsebäck as a Research and Development Platform, Extraction and Analysis of Service-aged and Irradiated Reactor Pressure Vessel Material



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Feb 2021

Tero Tyrväinen, Ilkka Karanta, Terhi Kling, Xuhong He, Frida Olofsson, Salvatore Massaiu, Erik Sparre, Carl Eriksson, Erik Cederhorn, Stefan Authén: Prolonged Available Time and Safe States



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The following NKS-B reports are available free of charge: Download by clicking the appropriate link.





Jan 2021

Anumaija Leskinen, Merja Tanhua-Tyrkkö, Susanna Salminen-Paatero, Julia Laurila, Kristian Kurhela, Xiaolin Hou, Filippa Stenberg Bruzell, Tommy Suutari, Satu Kangas, Satu Rautio, Cato Wendel, Marie Bourgeaux-Goget, Joe Moussa, Solveig Stordal, Ingunn Isdahl, Celine Gautier, Elodie Laporte, Margaux Giuliani, Jacques Bubendorff, Pascal Fichet: DTM-Decom II - Intercomparison exercise in analysis of DTM in decommissioning waste



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Jan 2021

Susanna Salminen-Paatero, Veronika Meriläinen, Xiaolin Hou, Maria Kaipiainen, Kaisa Vaaramaa, Patric Lindahl, Satu Rautio, Satu Kangas, Santeri Jortikka, Leena Vasara: Intercomparison for separating Pu and Am from environmental samples by a joint radioanalytical method



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