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NKS NewsFlash 128

January 29, 2025


Nordic Nuclear Collaboration: Adapting To New Realities


Joint NKS-R and NKS-B Seminar, Piperska Muren, Stockholm, 21-22 May 2025 (2nd announcement)


NKS proudly announces the upcoming joint NKS-R and NKS-B seminar, which is scheduled to start at 12:30 on the 21st of May and end at 15:40 on the 22nd of May 2025.  Registration is now open at


The seminar will shed new light on the status in Nordic nuclear safety.  The newest NKS results will be presented and discussed in the context of future needs.  There will be topical sessions to discuss hot topics of the time in Nordic context.  In a world of constant changes we have to keep on our toes, and as demonstrated in the past, NKS can quickly and efficiently address new challenges. The presentations will be given by representatives of consortia in recent NKS projects and by internationally renowned invited speakers covering a wide range of interesting and highly relevant topics.


The opening lectures will be given by the ICRP Scientific Secretary or Chair, and Petteri Tiippana (STUK Director General).


The topical sessions will relate to nuclear power future, armed conflict scenarios and emergency management, technical challenges in the nuclear industry, and radioactivity measurement and contaminant characterization. 


The seminar will give a status of the current development as well as urgent and future needs in Nordic nuclear safety, and discussions are aimed at providing new ideas for responding to existing and emerging challenges.  The seminar will bring together representatives of different interest groups (e.g., industries, authorities, expert communities) thus facilitating brainstorming discussions and lobbying for future Nordic projects under the NKS programmes. 


We cordially invite you to come and take part in the discussions and influence the future. 


A draft seminar program is available at the NKS website (  The included speakers are committed.  All is not yet quite in place, and while the current presentation titles are indicative of the presentation topics the wordings may well be changed later on.


To register for this seminar, please go to the main NKS web page 

There is no registration fee.


NKS encourages participants – particularly young scientists – to present a poster at the seminar.  There will be dedicated poster viewing sessions on both days. 


NKS would like to warmly thank the Seminar Advisory Group for all their good work on the seminar program.  They are:  Inger M. Eikelmann (DSA/Norway), Øyvind Selnæs (DSA/Norway), Carsten Israelson (DEMA/Denmark), Antti Daavittila (STUK/Finland), Henrik Öberg (IRSA/Iceland), Cheuk Lau (SSM/Sweden), Finn Physant (FRIT/NKS), Teemu Siiskonen (STUK/NKS-R), Ari Leppänen (NKS-R), Kasper Andersson (DTU/NKS-B)

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