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NKS NewsFlash 126
October 25, 2024


Sign up by 7th of November for the Teams meeting on 21st November at 10:00


Swedish nuclear industry organizations (Ringhals NPP, Forsmark NPP and Oskarshamn NPP), who are co-financiers of NKS projects for the calls for proposals, invite interested from the ‘science and research community’ to a short video (Teams) meeting.  


The purpose is to initiate a discussion on how to further enhance and strengthen the collaboration in NKS-B between actors within ‘science and research community’ and ‘nuclear industry specialist representatives’. The objective would be to generate a larger volume of proposals with higher quality, as well as further project results of greater value for the Nordic end-user community.


We are starting this initiative with two separate meetings to hear the interest from each side (‘science and research community’ as well as ‘nuclear industry specialist representatives’ respectively). The meeting for the ‘science and research community’ is scheduled to take place on the 21st of November at 10 o’clock CET.  Nuclear industry representatives will be contacted separately for their specific meeting.


The ambition is then to thereafter arrange a joint brainstorming workshop for the two groups together in the new year. If you are interested in participating in the initial meeting for the ‘science and research community’, please send an email to with the heading ‘DISCUSSION MEETING ON NOVEMBER 21’ no later than Thursday the 7th of November.  Then we will send you a link to the meeting.

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