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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-392
Report Title:Scenarios and table top exercise concept on events related to traffic of nuclear-powered vessels and transportation of spent nuclear fuel along the Nordic coastline (COASTEX): Report no. 3 - Final report from the NKS-B Project COASTEX
Activity Acronym:COASTEX
Authors:Anna Nalbandyan, Inger Margrethe H. Eikelmann, Øyvind Gjølme Selnæs, Øyvind Aas-Hansen, Helmuth Zika, Michael Wallin, Kjartan Guðnason, Jeppe Vöge Jensen,
Abstract:There is a notable maritime traffic of nuclear-powered civilian vessels (icebreakers and cargo ships), nuclear-powered military vessels and maritime transports of spent nuclear fuel and other radioactive materials along the Nordic coastlines and in the Arctic. This traffic represents a risk for potential accidents and events resulting in radioactive contamination and spread of radioactive materials into the Nordic and Arctic marine and terrestrial environments. These kinds of events request a good preparedness, possibility for a direct cooperation between neighbouring countries as well as interaction, assistance and coordinated activities to manage the situation, including mitigation. In 2015, the NKS-B NORCOP-COAST project identified several needs for further improvement of maritime emergency preparedness and cooperation, including the need for definition of relevant scenarios with follow-up exercises in the Nordic countries. To address this issue, the NKS-B COASTEX project was initiated, as a follow-up. This report provides an overview on the COASTEX project implementation, divided into two stages: 1) Development of a scenario bank with relevant maritime scenarios, describing different aspects and issues concerning events related to the traffic of nuclear-powered vessels and maritime transports of spent nuclear fuel as well as other radioactive materials along the Nordic coastline; 2) Development of a practical exercise guide to be used when planning and exercising these scenarios. To develop scenarios and an exercise guide, two project workshops were organized: on 30-31 May 2016 in Tromsø, Norway and on 12-13 October 2016 in Reykjavik, Iceland, where authorities from Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland contributed. The produced “COASTEX Scenario Report: nine maritime accident scenarios” – Report no.1 and the “COASTEX Exercise guide” – Report no.2 of the NKS-B COASTEX project are attached to this report.
Keywords:Nordic coastline, the Arctic, maritime accident scenarios, nuclear emergencies, scenario elements, radioactive cargo, radioactive sources, nuclear icebreaker, nuclear-powered vessels, floating nuclear power plant, cross-border preparedness.
Publication date:16 May 2017
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-479-6
Number of downloads:2156
Download:pdf NKS-392.pdf
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