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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisational issues and safety culture
Report Number:NKS-332
Report Title:Measuring Procedure Competence. Final Report from the NKS-R(14)112/13
Activity Acronym:ProCom
Authors:Eitrheim, M. H. R., Holmgren, L., Savioja, P., Hildebrandt, M.,
Abstract:This report describes the development of an expert rating tool for measuring procedure competence. The Procedure Competence (ProCom) tool is organized around four overall competences: procedure planning, procedure execution, utilization of backgrounds, and adaptability. These are operationalized through behavioural markers, i.e., observable, predefined performance indicators. The ProCom tool was tested in the Halden Man-Machine Laboratory and in a Swedish training simulator. The test applications indicate that the ProCom tool provides an extensive approach for observing the use of emergency operating procedures. The ProCom tool is also supported by findings from a Finnish empirical study of emergency procedure usage. As procedure competence is closely related to other basic technical and teamwork skills, future applications of the ProCom tool should consider these aspects by expanding the tool or using complementary measures. Recent eye tracking technologies also seem promising for easily combining expert ratings with detailed performance data on how operators scan information in the control room.
Keywords:Emergency operating procedures, competence measurement, expert rating, eye tracking
Publication date:27 Mar 2015
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-413-0
Number of downloads:1852
Download:pdf NKS-332.pdf
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