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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Summary Seminar
Report Number:NKS-143
Report Title:Proceedings of the Summary Seminar within the NKS-B Programme 2002-2005. 24-25 October 2005, Tartu, Estonia. (Printet report.)
Activity Acronym:Summary Seminar
Authors:Erkki Ilus (editor)
Abstract:This report contains the proceedings of the NKS-B Summary Seminar held on 24-25 October 2005 in Tartu, Estonia. The aim of the seminar was to provide a forum for presenting and discussing the results obtained in the NKS-B programme during the project period 2002 - 2005. The main attention was focused on radioecology and measurement techniques including presentations on the work done in the Projects INDOFERN (New Indicator Organisms for Environmental Radioactivity), LABINCO (Intercomparison of Laboratory Analyses of Radionuclides in Environmental Samples) and ECODOSES (Improving Radiological Assessments of Doses to Humans from Terrestrial Ecosystems). The total number of presentations in the seminar was 27. The seminar was also the final seminar of the four-year INDOFERN Project. The objective of the project was to identify new indicator organisms and biomarkers for assessment of environmental radioactivity in normal and emergency situations. The goal was to search new useful organisms accumulating effectively and specifically certain radionuclides in various Nordic ecosystems (forest, fresh water, marine), and to compare their indicator value to those of the earlier known indicators. The project yielded new data on the occurrence and transport of radionuclides in a wide scale of Nordic ecosystems. A summary of the whole project, and summaries of the work done in all the participating laboratories were presented in 13 presentations in the seminar.
Keywords:Radioecology; terrestrial radioecology; aquatic radioecology; indicator organisms; laboratory analyses of radionuclides; modelling; sampling; doses to man
Publication date:01 Aug 2006
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-206-8
Number of downloads:3682
Download:pdf NKS-143.pdf
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