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NKS Programme Area:
Research Area:Evaluation
Report Number:NKS-66
Report Title:Facklig utvärdering av NKS-programmet 1998 - 2001
Activity Acronym:SEK
Authors:Gustaf Löwenhielm SKI, Sverige , Raimo Mustonen STUK, Finland
Abstract:The Board of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS) decided in the autumn 2000 to contract out two separate evaluations on the NKS Programme 1998-2001. Martin Høiby from the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority was requested to perform an evaluation on overall administration of the NKS Programme. Two ex-perts conducted the scientific evaluation. Gustaf Löwenhielm from the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate was requested to assess projects on nuclear safety is-sues and waste management, and Raimo Mustonen from the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority to evaluate projects on radiation protection and nuclear emergency preparedness. This report deals with the scientific evaluation. The report contains brief review on the history of the Nordic nuclear and radiation safety co-operation and on the development of Programme for 1998-2001. Brief summaries of activities in all the projects are given, together with the main results of the projects. The evaluators give their subjective assessments on the success and effectiveness of the projects based on the evaluation criteria agreed with the NKS Board in the beginning of work. Also some general recommendations for the future co-operation are given.
Publication date:01 Nov 2002
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-121-5
Number of downloads:2191
Download:pdf NKS-66.pdf
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