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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisation and safety culture
Report Number:NKS-30
Report Title:NKS/SOS-1 Seminarium om Kvalitetssäkring. Rapport från ett seminarium i Ringhals den 16-17 januari 2001. (NKS/SOS-1 Seminar on Quality Assurance in Nordic nuclear reactor plants. Ringhals, January 16-17, 2001)
Activity Acronym:SOS-1
Authors:Lennart Hammar, Björn Wahlström
Abstract:The backgrounds and the conduct of the seminar is described. Summaries are given of all presentations and slides shown are appended. An account is given of discussions on different quality issues which were conducted during the seminar in separate groups. Concluding remarks made by the Chairman of NKS are reproduced. Further conclusions will be presented in the main report from the project: Lennart Hammar, Björn Wahlström, Teemu Reiman: Views on quality assurance at Finnish and Swedish nuclear power plants and the Halden reactor. 2001, in preparation.
Publication date:01 Febr 2001
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-081-2
Number of downloads:3109
Download:pdf NKS-30.pdf
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