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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisation and safety culture
Report Number:NKS-96-RAK1-R7
Report Title:En jämförelse mellan myndighetsarbetet inom kärnsäkerheten i Finland och Sverige
Activity Acronym:RAK-1
Authors:B. Wahlström, R. Nyman, L. Reiman
Abstract:The report describes a part of the work in the RAK 1.1 project which has been sponsored by the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS) during the year 1995. This part of the work has been financed by SKI and STUK. In the work a survey of Finnish and Swedish regulatory work in nuclear safety was carried out to investigate similarities and differences. The report gives a general description of the nuclear power programmes in Finland and Sweden together with their anchoring in national legislation. Practices in daily work, reporting routines and inspection work is described. A few activities and cases, that were selected to make the discussion of the safety activities more concrete, are described in the report. The collected material is analysed to give conclusions and recommendations.
Publication date:01 Oct 1996
Number of downloads:2272
Download:pdf NKS-96-RAK1-R7.pdf
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