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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency Preparedness
Report Number:NKS-478
Report Title:RNSARCARDS, Nordic Action Cards for Maritime RNSAR
Activity Acronym:RNSARCARDS
Authors:Øyvind Aas-Hansen, Oscar Mork, Inger Margrethe H. Eikelmann, Emmi Ikonen, Marielle Bakklund, Mikel Dominguez Cainzos, Charlotte Alfast Espensen, Agnieszka Hac-Heimburg, Per Horsholm, Kjartan Guðnason, Gísli Jónsson, Snorre Greil, Snorri Hrafnkelsson, Minna Valtavaara, Natalia Andreassen, Rune Elvegård,
Abstract:The RNSARCARDS action cards are meant to be used for coordinating search and rescue in a maritime radiological / nuclear emergency. The aim is to establish a common operational picture between the on duty RAD authority and the Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator (SMC) as quickly as possi-ble to conduct an effective rescue operation. The action cards give operation-al guidance for the SMC and provide a checklist of the most relevant RN spe-cific questions in order to conduct risk assessment and start appropriate ac-tions. RNSARCARDS are created based on the standard operating procedures de-scribed in the Nordic handbook for search and rescue in a maritime radiolog-ical / nuclear emergency (RNSARBOOK). RNSARCARDS are aimed to be used as a template for creating national procedures.
Keywords:maritime search and rescue, radiological and nuclear emergency, emergency response, Nordic, action cards, guidelines, standard operational procedure
Publication date:29 Aug 2023
Number of downloads:803
Download:pdf NKS-478.pdf
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