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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-449
Report Title:EcoFood - A tool for assessment of radiation exposure in terrestrial environments impacted by airborne releases
Activity Acronym:ECOFOOD
Authors:Hosseini, A., Avila, R., Hryhorenko, D., Brown, J., Peltonen, T., Virtanen, S., Nielsen, S., Gudnason, K.,
Abstract:The software package FDMT - Food Chain and Dose Module for Terrestrial Pathways is a component of the decision support systems, JRODOS and ARGOS, that are currently used in the Nordic countries for response to nuclear emergencies. Not all food chains that are relevant for the Nordic conditions are currently supported by FDMT and the modelling of some of the food chains is not optimal for the Nordic conditions, resulting in difficulties with the parameterization of the models. Moreover, in its current implementation FDMT is not totally transparent to users. The focus of the project was to develop a new software (EcoFood) that addresses these deficiencies and considers the findings of a gap analysis of FDMT conducted early in the project. The report presents the findings of the gap analysis, provides an overview of EcoFood´s components: the Simulator, the Model Library and the Parameter Database and a discussion on improvements and advantages inherent to EcoFood.
Keywords:radionuclide, releases, atmospheric, environment, terrestrial, dose, humans
Publication date:07 Jun 2021
Number of downloads:1387
Download:pdf NKS-449.pdf
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