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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Radioecology
Report Number:NKS-435
Report Title:Natural Radioactivity in Nordic Fish and Shellfish – Final report
Activity Acronym:NANOD
Authors:Mari Komperød, Francisco Piñero García, Kjartan Guðnason, Louise Kiel Jensen, Meerit Kämäräinen, Per Roos, Hilde Kristin Skjerdal,
Abstract:The objective of the NANOD project is to fill knowledge gaps related to the concentration of naturally occurring radionuclides in the fish and shellfish species commonly consumed in the Nordic region, in order to enable more accurate dose assessments for seafood and the total diet in the Nordic countries. 210Po concentrations in the samples of wild fish caught in the Nordic region ranged from 0.01 to 3.4 Bq/kg (fw). The highest concentration of all samples was observed in blue mussels, containing up to 73 Bq/kg. Results of the present and previous work indicate that influences on 210Po concentrations in fish and shellfish are complex, and several factors may play a role. Analyses of 210Pb show an overall lower content. Most 226Ra and 228Ra results were below detection limits of approximately 0.1 Bq/kg or less. Ingestion dose estimates for the Nordic countries show average national doses ranging from 31 to 58 µSv/y from the examined radionuclides. 210Po accounted for approximately 80-90% of this dose, while the dose from radium isotopes was negligible and below 2%. Despite their low consumption, canned tuna, blue mussels and shrimp accounted for a large share of the dose due to their high 210Po content relative to other species consumed in larger quantities.
Keywords:seafood, radioecology, fish, shellfish, natural radioactivity, ingestion dose, diet, polonium
Publication date:19 May 2020
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-525-0
Number of downloads:1850
Download:pdf NKS-435.pdf
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