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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Severe accidents
Report Number:NKS-410
Report Title:Scenarios and Phenomena Affecting Risk of Containment Failure and Release Characteristics
Activity Acronym:SPARC
Authors:Pavel Kudinov, Sergey Galushin, Dmitry Grishchenko, Sergey Yakush, Anders Riber Marklund, Ola Bäckström,
Abstract:The report summarizes results of the NKS-SPARC project. The ROAAM+ framework addresses accident progression from initial plant damage states to ex-vessel melt-coolant interactions and debris coolability. Detailed mechanistic full models (FM) have been developed. A set of computationally efficient surrogate models (SM) has been developed using the databases of FM solutions. Uncertainty in the containment failure probability has been quantified according. An approach has been developed and demonstrated for using obtained in ROPAAM+ data on the failure probability for different combinations of scenario parameters in a large scale PSA model. Results of the pilot study show clear benefits for PSA improvement in more realistic understanding and modeling of the risks. Main findings of the analysis of effectiveness of SAM strategy in Nordic BWRs using ROAAM+ framework and main results are presented using failure domain maps. The project outcomes enhance completeness and consistency of safety analysis and modelling methods for level 2 PSA; presentation of results in level 2 PSA, and related risk criteria.
Keywords:ROAAM+, IDPSA, PSA, DSA, BWR, Severe accident, MELCOR, core degradation, steam explosion, debris coolability
Publication date:04 Oct 2018
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-499-4
Number of downloads:2024
Download:pdf NKS-410.pdf
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