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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-362
Report Title:Nuclear icebreaker traffic and transport of radioactive materials along the Nordic coastline: response systems and cooperation to handle accidents (NORCOP-COAST): Final report
Activity Acronym:NORCOP-COAST
Authors:Anna Nalbandyan, Øyvind Aas-Hansen, Inger Margrethe H. Eikelmann, Jonas Lindgren, Kjartan Guðnason, Tuomas Peltonen, Jeppe Vöge Jensen,
Abstract:The maritime traffic in the Arctic region is already considerable and expected to increase in the future years.This includes traffic of nuclear icebreakers and transport of radioactive materials along the Nordic coastline. An increase in such traffic will increase potential risks for accidents resulting in spread of radioactive materials into the terrestrial and marine environments. All this put an additional pressure on monitoring and responding authorities, coastguards and rescue services. In the frames of the NORCOP-COAST project a 2-days workshop was organized in Tromsø, Norway on 13-14 October 2015 where authorities from Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland as well as Emergency Response Center of ROSATOM from Russia and Incident and Emergency Centre of the IAEA contributed. The joint discussions covered existing emergency preparedness and response systems in each country; possible scenarios and ways of handling the maritime accidents resulting in spread of radioactive substances; national and international laws; notification procedures; interaction between Nordic countries and Russia. This report summarizes results of joint discussions and provides a description of identified challenges and target areas for future cooperation in order to further improve cross-border assistance and handling of maritime accidents both between Nordic countries and between Nordic countries and Russia.
Keywords:Nordic coastline, maritime accidents, response systems, notification, radioactive cargo, nuclear icebreaker, nuclear-powered vessels, cross-border preparedness.
Publication date:21 Mar 2016
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-447-5
Number of downloads:2621
Download:pdf NKS-362.pdf
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