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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Severe accidents
Report Number:NKS-343
Report Title:Coolability analyses of heap-shaped debris bed
Activity Acronym:DECOSE
Authors:Eveliina Takasuo, Veikko Taivassalo, Tuomo Kinnunen, Taru Lehtikuusi,
Abstract:This report describes the experimental and analytical debris bed coolability studies conducted during 2014 at VTT. The main focus is on the coolability of a heap-shaped debris bed (truncated cone) which has been examined by dryout power measurements with the COOLOCE facility and by two-phase flow simulations. The work is divided to three parts. In the first part, the coolability experiments with the truncated cone, COOLOCE-13 and -13R, are described. The second part presents the testing and validation calculations of the new 2014 version of the MEWA 2D code applied to assess debris coolability. The third part consists of the modelling of the truncated cone experiment by using the new MEWA version and the CFD code Fluent. The experimental results suggest that the heap-like shape of the debris bed is favourable to coolability. The dryout heat flux is comparable to that of the fully conical bed and the other test beds with multi-dimensional flooding. The dryout power predicted by MEWA is within 20% of the experimental results. The effects of the numerical solution options have been examined in the Fluent simulations.
Keywords:severe accident, debris bed, coolability, multi-dimensional flooding, numerical simulation, CFD
Publication date:02 Jul 2015
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-425-3
Number of downloads:2409
Download:pdf NKS-343.pdf
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