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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, Technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-336
Report Title:Application of Rapid and Automated Techniques in Radiochemical Analysis
Activity Acronym:RAPID-TECH
Authors:Jixin Qiao, Iisa Outola, Petra Lagerkvist, Rajdeep Singh Sidhu, Kai Xu, Sofia Josson, Pia Vesterbacka, Stina Holmgren, Kaisa Vaaramaa,
Abstract:NKS Rapid-Tech project 2014 aims to explore the application of different rapid techniques in determination of radionuclides, thus to improve the analytical efficiency and capacity of present radioanalytical methodologies used for different purposes in the areas of E, W and R. Specific tasks are described as follows: • Identification of current needs and problems in methodology development for rapid determination of radionuclides (e.g., 90Sr, actinides). • Identification of individual processes/operations wherein rapid techniques can be potentially applied to improve the analytical efficiency. • Establishment of practical solutions/suggestions in the application of rapid techniques in radiochemical procedures. • Development and optimization of rapid methods for determination of radionuclides (e.g., 90Sr, actinides) in environmental samples using automation and effective sample treatment techniques. • Assessment of analytical performance and summarization of successes/failures, challenges and future attempts. In 2014, Rapid-Tech project gathered scientists working in radiochemistry among Nordic countries and oversaw the problems and needs in developing effective radiochemical methods. Based on screening the current analytical methods for common radionuclides (e.g., Sr, actinides) assays in individual institute, challenges and future development needs were identified by each institute and presented in this report. Experiments in applying distinct novel techniques in each institute were also performed: 1) DTU Nutech (Denmark) improved method applicability for different matrix content in Pu determination by exploring oxalate co-precipitation, and improved Sr seawater procedure; 2) STUK (Finland) improved Pu/Am source preparation technique and Pu procedure in air filter analysis for emergency preparedness; 3) IFE (Norway) improved 90Sr seawater method in terms of reducing the use of fuming nitric acid and testing the application of Sr resin to 210Pb analysis in water samples; 4) FOI (Sweden) tested new redox reagents for improving the stability of Pu analytical method and investigated the matrix effect on TEVA resin to improve the chemical yield of Pu. The preliminary results obtained in each institute are assessed and summarized in this report.
Keywords:Rapid determination, Pu, Sr, Tc, environment analysis, emergency preparedness
Publication date:20 Apr 2015
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-418-5
Number of downloads:2815
Download:pdf NKS-336.pdf
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