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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Plant life management and extension
Report Number:NKS-329
Report Title:Nordic Nuclear Forum for Generation IV Reactors 2014
Activity Acronym:NORDIC-GEN4
Authors:Mattias Thuvander,
Abstract:The Nordic Nuclear Forum for Generation IV Reactors is a network, which has the aim to strengthen cooperation among Nordic universities and institutes regarding all aspects of generation IV nuclear reactors. Originally, the main focus was on materials research, but now areas like fuel, fuel cycles, reactor design, reactor modeling and safety are also included. The main activity has been to organize seminars, and in 2014 a two-day seminar was arranged in Lappeenranta together with Gen4Fin. The seminar had about 30 participants from seven countries; invited international experts, senior researchers, PhD-students and industry representatives. This occasion is a great opportunity for researchers to widen their personal networks and knowledge. The abstracts from the seminar are included in this report. In addition to the seminar, the activity supported a joint project between Chalmers and DTU on Monte Carlo modeling. Also the website of the forum was updated and maintained. Presentations from the seminar can be downloaded from the website. A further seminar is planned for 2016.
Keywords:Generation IV, Nuclear reactors, Materials, Nuclear fuel
Publication date:11 Febr 2015
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-410-9
Number of downloads:2339
Download:pdf NKS-329.pdf
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