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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisational issues and safety culture
Report Number:NKS-321
Report Title:Human-Performance Tools in Maintenance Work - A Case Study in a Nordic Nuclear Power Plant
Activity Acronym:HUMAX
Authors:Ann Britt Skjerve, Christer Axelsson,
Abstract:The performance of maintenance in nuclear power plants is one of the cornerstones for ensuring safe and efficient operation. Maintenance work is associated with operational and occupational risks. Today, most plants use Human Performance Tools (HPTs) to contribute to reduce these risks. Despite the widespread use of HPTs, the beneficial effects remain elusive. The study was performed in a Nordic nuclear power plant. It addressed three research questions: (1) How do maintenance personnel perceive and use HPTs? (2) How may the intended use of HPTs be promoted in maintenance work? (3) How to introduce HPTs to maintenance personnel? Overall, maintenance personnel had a positive attitude to HPTs. In situations where the use of HPTs made sense to maintenance personnel, they would use HPTs as intended, i.e., attentively and resiliently, focusing on ensuring safety. In other situations, the HPTs might not be used or might be used more superficially. Introduction of HPTs should focus on practical use. The study was carried out within the framework of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research project HUMAX.
Keywords:Human Performance Tools, Maintenance Work
Publication date:05 Dec 2014
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-402-4
Number of downloads:2817
Download:pdf NKS-321.pdf
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