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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, Technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-295
Report Title:GammaTest 2013 Proceedings
Activity Acronym:GammaTest
Authors:Henrik Ramebäck (ed), Elisabeth Strålberg, Óskar Halldórsson Holm, Sigurður Emil Pálsson, Seppo Klemola, Sven P. Nielsen,
Abstract:Due to a sparse interaction during the last years between practioners in gamma ray spectrometry in the Nordic countries, a NKS activity was started in 2009. This activity, GammaSem, was focused on seminars relevant to gamma spectrometry. A follow up seminar was held in 2010. As an outcome of these activities it was suggested that the 2011 meeting should include a series of workshops focused on practical issues, e.g. different corrections for systematic effects needed in gamma spectrometric measurements. GammaWorkshops 2011, was held in September at DTU Risø Campus and was a huge success. Based on feedback from the participants a new series of workshops were held in September 2012 in Hveragerði, Iceland, which included practical exercises on real-world spectra. In discussions with the participants at the 2012 meeting it was decided that the 2013 meeting should include intercomparisons. Three intercomparisons were carried out: one on peak identification (two spectra); one on a real spectrum (a calibration spectrum and detector details were given); and one on a real-world sample. Two experts in gamma spectrometry were invited to the 2013 meeting. The lectures covered Monte Carlo simulations for efficiency calculations, calculation of correction factors for e.g. true coincidence summing, as well as some special applications such as the use of the sum-peak method for measurement of the half life of 176Lu. The results from the three intercomparisons were also presented. Presentations by participants were also included. Finally, four different tools for e.g. calculation of different correction factors were presented and demonstrated.
Keywords:Gamma spectrometry, systematic effects, corrections
Publication date:03 Jan 2014
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-371-3
Number of downloads:2866
Download:pdf NKS-295.pdf
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