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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, Technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-292
Report Title:NKS Workshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry - Final report
Activity Acronym:RADIOANALYSIS
Authors:Xiaolin Hou (ed.),
Abstract:The NKS-B workshop on radioanalytical chemistry was held 2-6th Sept 2013 at Risø, Denmark. There were a total of 49 persons participating in the workshop, including 32 young participants and 15 lecturers. The workshop started with 3 days of lab practice followed by 1.5 day’s lectures by the experienced experts from different research fields, and then a half day’s presentation by the young participants. A questionnaire investigation completed after the workshop highlighted the necessity and importance of organization of such workshop in each 3-4 years for community of both Nordic and other European countries.
Keywords:Workshop; Radiochemistry, Radioanalysis, Analytical Chemistry, Radionuclide
Publication date:17 Oct 2013
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-368-3
Number of downloads:2067
Download:pdf NKS-292.pdf
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