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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisational issues and safety culture
Report Number:NKS-278
Report Title:Safety culture in design
Activity Acronym:SADE
Authors:Luigi Macchi, Elina Pietikäinen, Marja Liinasuo, Paula Savioja, Teemu Reiman, Mikael Wahlström, Ulf Kahlbom, Carl Rollenhagen,
Abstract:In this report we approach design from a safety culture approach As this research area is new and understudied, we take a wide scope on the issue. Different theoretical perspectives that can be taken when improving safety of the design process are considered in this report. We suggest that in the design context the concept of safety culture should be expanded from an organizational level to the level of the network of organizations involved in the design activity. The implication of approaching the design process from a safety culture perspective are discussed and the results of the empirical part of the research are presented. In the interview study in Finland and Sweden we identified challenges and opportunities in the design process from safety culture perspective. Also, a small part of the interview study concentrated on state of the art human factors engineering (HFE) practices in Finland and the results relating to that are presented. This report provide a basis for future development of systematic good design practices and for providing guidelines that can lead to safe and robust technical solutions.
Keywords:Safety culture, Design, Network safety culture, HFE
Publication date:08 Apr 2013
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-353-9
Number of downloads:4306
Download:pdf NKS-278.pdf
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