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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-268
Report Title:A Nordic Approach to Impact Assessment of Accidents with Nuclear-Propelled Vessels
Activity Acronym:MARENUC
Authors:Ole Reistad, Styrkaar Hustveit, Sigurður Emil Pálsson, Steen Hoe, Juhani Lahtinen,
Abstract:The MareNuc project has identified the parameters in a graded approach to impact assessment for marine nuclear reactors. The graded approach is founded on the following elements: • More detailed understanding of previous accidents in nuclear-propelled vessels (initiating events, accident developments, release fractions), including release mechanisms (radionuclide retention in vessel construction); • Bench-marking of release scenarios using modelling tools applied in the Nordic countries, in addition to demonstration of generally accessible and free software developed by the IAEA; • Other systematic approaches to safety assessments of vessel port calls, and to the design and maintenance of emergency preparedness systems; More specifically, increased emphasis compared to earlier analysis after the Kursk accident is given to the engineered vessel barriers. Relevant standards from impact assessments for commercial nuclear power plants have been identified, such as from the NUREG series. The Nordic approaches to safety evaluation, impact assessments and emergency preparedness organisation was also reported as part of the project. The Canadian approach for international port calls was carefully reported and assessed as part of the project, and commended for its broad and comprehensive approach to reactor and vessel design for the nationalities involved, to the design and maintenance of emergency preparedness systems, and the well-structured and broad cooperation between civilian and military institutions. This approach goes beyond the current approach in the Nordic countries, also in the case of Norway, which experience regular port calls from allied nuclear navies. The overall result is a broader understanding in the Nordic countries for the importance of the various parameters for impact assessment of releases from marine reactors, and to the design and maintenance of an emergency preparedness organisation without detailed knowledge of the installation in question.
Keywords:nuclear-propelled vessels, nuclear submarine, nuclear icebreaker, naval reactors, impact assessment, source term, nuclear accident
Publication date:07 Nov 2012
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-341-6
Number of downloads:3889
Download:pdf NKS-268.pdf
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