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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Thermal hydraulics
Report Number:NKS-264
Report Title:Modeling of interaction of multiple vent pipes in a pressure suppression pool
Activity Acronym:ENPOOL
Authors:Antti Timperi, Michael Chauhan, Timo Pättikangas, Jarto Niemi
Abstract:Calculations of direct-contact condensation in the pressure suppression pool have been performed. Partial pressure model for the condensation of pure vapor is used for the condensation, which makes possible modeling of the condensation of pure vapor. The heat and mass transfer during condensation is studied in detail for experiment PAR-10 in the PPOOLEX facility. The rapid collapse of a steam bubble in PPOOLEX experiment COL-01 has been analyzed with the new Eulerian model of Abaqus. By observing the collapse behavior, the pressure variation inside the bubble was fitted with the experiment. The effect of system size on the pressure peak was also examined; these results can be used for studying more thoroughly the scaling of the experimental results to full-scale in future. The desynchronization of chugging events in the two vent experiment PAR-10 was studied. The statistical distribution of desynchronization was determined from the measured pressure data and compared to results obtained in a seven vent pipe experiment found from literature. The response of BWR containment during desynchronized chugging events and with varying speeds of sound was numerically computed using direct time integration and modal dynamics procedure available in Abaqus.
Keywords:Condensation pool, pressure suppression pool, BWR, CFD, fluid-structure interaction, FSI
Publication date:30 Apr 2012
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-337-9
Number of downloads:3126
Download:pdf NKS-264.pdf
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